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A poem for the Sweatlodge


The dark, the dark calls in the new.
I surrender in the deep of the womb.
My fingers sliding through te cold mud.
My heartbeat honnoring the warm banket of the air.
Nurtured safe and seedlike small I feel.
Looking at the warm red/orange glow of the fire outside bringing the stones in.
Welcome more warmth, welcome more surrender.
I bow to they, I bow to they.
Softly singing, pleasure, pain, sounds in my roaring deep belly with hidden wounds from myself, the collective and older lifes. 
The melt in the honey pot of oceanic energies flowing in the river, setting free!
The birds, they know.
The wind, it sings.
The Great Spirit whispers to they.
Listen to the silence, trust in your soft tears, nature will carry you.
Let nature nurture you".

door Ymke, 38 jaar

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I highly recommend!

I highly recommend doing a sweatlodge ceremony at Nature Nurture. The way Bodil and Jeremy lead the ceremony is beautiful, heart opening and professional. I felt connected with this old tradition and the tribe it stems from. At the same time they give their own modern twist to it, like allowing waterbottles inside (thank God). I felt carried by the voice of Bodil singing, and the strength and grounding Jeremy brought in. They are a really good team together and you can feel their connection as well as the connection with the participants. You are going through a journey together, you are not alone in it. I love that, since other sweatlodges can be very individual. The way the ceremony is build up and the journey you are going through is beautiful and very taught through. During the ceremony I felt comfortable in the uncomfortable. I felt connected and loved. Afterwards, I really felt reborn, grounded and more connected to nature, the universe and myself. The food tasted so good afterwards and is a really nice way to end the day. I am entirely grateful for this beautiful experience.

door Ellen, 27 jaar

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Jack's 'before & after'

Last Friday I went to the sweat lodge ceremony from Bodil & Jeremy. The weeks leading up to
the sweat lodge I suddenly felt a great urgency of attending a sweat lodge ceremony, I noticed
all the worries and stress catching up to me. I was sleeping poorly, had low energy and I felt
increasingly emotional, but unable to deal with it. This made me decide to join the sweat lodge
to see if it would help me deal with my emotions and release some of the stress that was
bothering me. I was lucky to be able to sign up, because one of the participants cancelled a few
days before.

I was not feeling too well on the day of the sweat lodge, I had low energy and a lot of pain in my
body. As we took off our clothes and were standing naked around the fire I got a knot in my
stomach and was feeling more and more like maybe I was not ready for this. As the preliminary
rituals proceeded however I felt those fears drift away, and when we entered the lodge for the
first time I soon felt very comfortable. I started thinking to myself that there was no need for me
to push myself to the extremes as I often would in daily life, making things as difficult and
uncomfortable as I can. Instead I could just take it easy, one step at a time. I realised I could
leave at any time, or ask my spiritual travelling companions for physical or emotional support.
There was a wonderful sense of brother- and sisterhood in the lodge, immediately the people
sitting around me felt like family, I was there for them and they were there for me.

During the third round, the round of fire, I might have expected some kind of aggressive
emotional release in the form of crying of anger, instead what came to me was gratitude and
acceptance. It became apparent that this was what I needed. I realised that in my daily life I
actually wasn’t angry or sad at all, in fact I was doing great, I just never allowed myself the time
and space to recognise this. In the sweat lodge I had to confront myself and I actually liked what
I saw. There was no great, internal fight to be had, instead there was a great, internal hug. A
moment of gratitude for myself.

Even more satisfying was that from this gratitude and acceptance from myself grew a deep
sense of compassion for my brothers and sisters in the lodge. I was content with myself and I
wanted to share this love with the people around me. As they were going through their own
processes I realised I could be there for them and I became deeply grateful for the processes
they were going through and how they allowed themselves to go through. I felt unified with the
Universe and appreciated how we all had to go through our own processes. I knew I could not
help the others on their journey, because it was their journey to take, but I could support them
whenever they needed it.

The rest of the time and the days after I was basking in the afterglow of this acceptance and
compassion. I found myself enjoying the day more. Taking more time to do things, having fun
and connecting with others while staying true to myself.

door Jack, Filosofie Student

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Mijn favoriet

"Ik heb inmiddels bij een aantal verschillende sweatlodges mogen deelnemen, en de ceremonies van Bodil en Jeremy blijven favoriet. Ik voel me erg welkom, gezien, gedragen en warm omarmd. Ook de omgeving bij Bodil en Jeremy is erg fijn en rustgevend en draagt bij aan het contact met de elementen. Daarnaast hebben zowel Bodil als Jeremy zoveel liefde om te geven, en dat is heel goed te merken in alle liefdevolle aandacht die de hele ceremonie, van begin tot einde, vult."

door Marijn

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Cannot recommend it enough

These sauna ceremonies can touch your life profoundly. The guided and communal experience is truly magical, and helps you get in touch with your emotions and goals for the coming month. I can truly cannot recommend it enough :)

by Lottie

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